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Kutil si zbastlil bizarní chytrý televizor na míru. Stačilo pár drobností a funguje to docela dobře

Živě.cz - 24 Červenec, 2024 - 18:45
Nelíbí se vám prostředí žádného chytrého televizoru? • Nechcete ani krabičku s KODI, LibreELEC a OSMC? • Kutil na to šel jinak a televizní prostředí udělal z webové stránky
Kategorie: IT News

US, European authorities promise effective competition in the AI ​​sector [Hacking News] - 24 Červenec, 2024 - 18:12

Regulatory authorities in the EU, UK and US have signed a joint statement to ensure effective competition in the AI ​​sector, according Reuters. In the statement, they write that generative AI (genAI) has developed rapidly in recent years and that technological inflection points can introduce new ways to compete, innovate, grow, and catalyze opportunities.

The three parties also pledged that they will work together under their respective laws to ensure that the AI ​​market remains competitive and that both consumers and businesses are treated fairly.

This includes fair treatment, prevention of exclusionary tactics, and close scrutiny of investments and collaborations between today’s AI bigwigs and rising upstarts in the market.

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Apple’s Underdogs ad is funny, but it has a message [Hacking News] - 24 Červenec, 2024 - 18:07

There’s no sign of a blue screen of death in the most recent episode of the Apple at Work film series, but that’s not the only transformation buried in the tale.

The Underdogs series has always offered an amusing take on how digital technology is transforming the workplace. Through an Apple lens, the series shows the extent to which the platform enables hybrid workforces on a planet that is becoming increasingly asynchronous when it comes to productivity.

Apple goes APAC

Set in Thailand, the clip depicts the challenges of the modern workplace to explain how the seamless integration of Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Vision Pro can power up business today. Those products let the team source a new packaging factory, implement last-minute design changes, create 3D prototypes, bridge language gaps and more.

So far, it’s marketing — but it’s hard to ignore the extent to which the series, albeit in a light-hearted way, reflects the extent to which the workplace has changed and continues to evolve. 

Things have changed

Take product design. Not so long ago, designing something with a global team required sharing sometimes huge files, which takes time and bandwidth. Today, tools (such as Freeform) exist that enable creatives to collaborate on ideas remotely in real time, using a range of devices such as a Mac or Vision Pro. Product designers also benefit from the ability to create and share digital prototypes, including 3D models that can be explored on Vision Pro.

Beyond the creative departments, billing, invoicing, and credit control have all become tasks you can transact while travelling as long as you have a network connection. You can take and make payments with mobile devices and authorize remote access to any enterprise service using 2FA and/or biometric security. Tasks that once required dozens of devices can now all be transacted on a smartphone, even as integration between different platforms (smartphones, tablets, computers) improves. 

Accelerating change

This is changing the nature of work, and that change is being felt across platforms and operating systems. It makes it possible for knowledge workers of any stripe to focus on the task in front of them while using whatever device makes the most contextual sense for the situation. Ironically, that means the device used is becoming more invisible because the focus is on what needs to be done. Where you are, what device you use, and the time zone you are in mean less than before. 

To a great extent, many of these changes were already emerging in the mid-2000s, but the introduction in 2007 of true mobile computing in the form of the iPhone and the smartphones subsequent to it accelerated the momentum. 

To some extent, this digital transformation reflects some of the concepts Apple co-founder Steve Jobs visualized, a then hard-to-accept future in which people “spend more time with their PCs than with their cars,” he correctly predicted in 1983.

Focus drives the attention economy

The transition from computer to an ecosystem of equally capable devices simply extended that change; and in the new workplace, the tasks we are attempting are, in a sense, no longer defined by the PC.

This is the kind of reality Apple is exploring in its latest work-focused ad — and it’s only a matter of time until the industrial equipment used in manufacturing companies also gains its own Apple logo. The Apple Car-related autonomous vehicle research the company spent billions on will be deployed in some useful manner, eventually. Perhaps it is time manufacturing became another space where AI, autonomy, and Apple’s multitude of digital platforms makes a difference.

Please follow me on Mastodon, or join me in the AppleHolic’s bar & grill and Apple Discussions groups on MeWe.

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Hry, které brzy ukončí své služby. Rozloučit se musíme se střílečkou Synced, z obchodů zmizí Forza Horizon 4

Živě.cz - 24 Červenec, 2024 - 17:45
Přidávat stále nový obsah do již existujících her není jednoduchá práce. Není tedy divu, že někteří vývojáři se rozhodli s tím přestat nebo hru rovnou stáhnou z trhu.
Kategorie: IT News

Windows Patch Tuesday update might send a user to the BitLocker recovery screen

The Register - Anti-Virus - 24 Červenec, 2024 - 17:02
Not now, Microsoft

Some Windows devices are presenting users with a BitLocker recovery screen upon reboot following the installation of July's Patch Tuesday update.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Musk chce, aby se lidé v diskuzích oháněli pistolí. X změnilo emoji vodní pistolky

Živě.cz - 24 Červenec, 2024 - 16:45
Platforma X změnila podobu emoji vodní pistole na reálnou ruční zbraň. Jak uvedl vlastník platformy Elok Musk, nová verze byla nejdříve zavedena na webu. Postupně se propíše také do mobilních klientů. Důvod kroku neznáme, je to ale další z mnoha proměn, kterými bývalý Twitter prochází. Jak ...
Kategorie: IT News

MagPi 143, HackSpace 80 a Hello World 24

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 24 Červenec, 2024 - 15:46
Nová čísla časopisů od nakladatelství Raspberry Pi: MagPi 143 (pdf), HackSpace 80 (pdf) a Hello World 24 (pdf).
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Havárie letadla v Nepálu si vyžádala 18 obětí, přežil jenom kapitán

Živě.cz - 24 Červenec, 2024 - 15:45
Při havárii regionálního dopravního letadla nepálské společnosti Saurya Airlines, které ve středu v 11:11 místního času vzlétlo z mezinárodního letiště Tribhuvan (IATA: KTM, ICAO: VNKT) v hlavním městě Káthmándú, zahynulo osmnáct lidí. Podrobnosti přináší agentura Reuters. Letadlo letělo na ...
Kategorie: IT News

Data pilfered from Pentagon IT supplier Leidos

The Register - Anti-Virus - 24 Červenec, 2024 - 15:31
With numerous US government agency customers, any leak could be serious

Updated  Internal documents stolen from Leidos Holdings, an IT services provider contracted with the Department of Defense and other US government agencies, have been leaked on the dark web.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

CrowdStrike failure: What you need to know [Hacking News] - 24 Červenec, 2024 - 15:21

Cybersecurity vendor CrowdStrike initiated a series of computer system outages across the world on Friday, July 19, disrupting nearly every industry and sowing chaos at airports, financial institutions, and healthcare systems, among others.

At issue was a flawed update to CrowdStrike Falcon, the company’s popular endpoint detection and response (EDR) platform, which crashed Windows machines and sent them into an endless reboot cycle, taking down servers and rendering ‘blue screens of death’ on displays across the world.

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Z čeho se skládá Z Flip6, Z Fold6 a Watch Ultra. Samsung poodhalil komponenty včetně nového BioActive senzoru

Živě.cz - 24 Červenec, 2024 - 15:15
Samsung ukázal, z čeho se skládá Z Flip6, Z Fold6 a Watch Ultra • K jednotlivým komponentám se detailně rozepsal • Vidíme nový pant skládaček, dvojité baterie i vypařovací komory
Kategorie: IT News

How a Trust Center Solves Your Security Questionnaire Problem

The Hacker News - 24 Červenec, 2024 - 14:01
Security questionnaires aren’t just an inconvenience — they’re a recurring problem for security and sales teams. They bleed time from organizations, filling the schedules of professionals with monotonous, automatable work. But what if there were a way to reduce or even altogether eliminate security questionnaires? The root problem isn’t a lack of great questionnaire products — it’s the The Hacker News[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Telegram App Flaw Exploited to Spread Malware Hidden in Videos

The Hacker News - 24 Červenec, 2024 - 13:59
A zero-day security flaw in Telegram's mobile app for Android called EvilVideo made it possible for attackers to malicious files disguised as harmless-looking videos. The exploit appeared for sale for an unknown price in an underground forum on June 6, 2024, ESET said. Following responsible disclosure on June 26, the issue was addressed by Telegram in version 10.14.5 released on July 11. "Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Google to vzdal a sledovací cookies z Chromu nevyžene. Svůj šmírovací systém v něm nechá

Živě.cz - 24 Červenec, 2024 - 13:45
Google několikrát odložil zákaz třetích cookies •Sledovací cookies nakonec ve Chromu nekáže •Cituje tlak regulátorů a zpětnou vazbu z průmyslu
Kategorie: IT News

How a Trust Center Solves Your Security Questionnaire Problem

The Hacker News - 24 Červenec, 2024 - 13:20
Security questionnaires aren’t just an inconvenience — they’re a recurring problem for security and sales teams. They bleed time from organizations, filling the schedules of professionals with monotonous, automatable work. But what if there were a way to reduce or even altogether eliminate security questionnaires? The root problem isn’t a lack of great questionnaire products — it’s the
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Malá, ale šikovná. Na SIM kartě není jen vaše telefonní číslo, ale i mnoho dalších informací

Živě.cz - 24 Červenec, 2024 - 13:15
SIM karty známe jako malé plastové destičky s čipem • Přemýšleli jste někdy nad tím, co je v nich uložené? • Vejde se na ně překvapivě mnoho informací
Kategorie: IT News

Recent OpenSSH RCE Bug Explained: Impact & Mitigations - 24 Červenec, 2024 - 13:00
In an era where cybersecurity threats loom larger than ever, the discovery of a Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in OpenSSH by Qualys' Threat Research Unit (TRU) demands the open source community's immediate attention. Dubbed as "regreSSHion" and assigned the identifier CVE-2024-6387 , this vulnerability stands out not merely because of its potential to enable unauthenticated, remote attackers to execute arbitrary code as root, but also due to its broad impact, affecting millions of OpenSSH server instances globally.
Kategorie: Hacking & Security
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