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Protecting AI systems from cyber threats

The Register - Anti-Virus - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 19:07
Join Intel, DETASAD, Juniper Networks, and Arqit to hear essential strategies in this webinar on July 30th

Webinar  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries worldwide, but with great power comes great responsibility.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Autonomní tramvaj v Plzni. Vidí i za roh, ale řidiče se zbaví až za dalších pár let

Živě.cz - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 18:45
V Plzni vrcholí obří projekt a bylo by sexy napsat, že jeho středobodem je autonomní tramvaj. V červenci začala jezdit na testovacím úseku v blízkosti Západočeské univerzity a při prezentaci jsme ji viděli v akci. Když se však ponoříte hlouběji, zjistíte, že jde o fascinující kombinaci technologií, ...
Kategorie: IT News

Mastering Emacs 29, sleva na knihu

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 18:41
Vyšlo nové vydání knihy Mastering Emacs. Jedná se o aktualizaci pro Emacs 29. Knihu lze nyní koupit ve slevě, akce trvá do čtvrtka 25. července ráno.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Taxes on digital services on the agenda at G20 meeting [Hacking News] - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 17:59

Finance ministers from the G20 countries are meeting this week in Rio de Janeiro to discuss, among other things, whether a global tax on digital services should be introduced.

Eight of the countries — France, India, Italy, Canada, Spain, Great Britain, Turkey and Austria — have chosen to introduce taxes on their own that primarily affect American technology companies such as Amazon, Apple, and Google.

The US, for its part, has threatened to respond by imposing tariffs on everything from French champagne to Italian handbags, according to Reuters.

With US President Joe Biden announcing over the weekend that he does not intend to run for re-election in November, concerns have grown about whether his successor intends to stick to a possible agreement.

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Konec alkoholu za volantem. Kamera v autě dokáže pomocí AI poznat podnapilost řidiče

Živě.cz - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 17:45
Představte si, že po náročném večírku usednete ráno za volant svého auta, a to vám při pokusu o nastartování oznámí, že nikam nepojedete, protože ještě máte „hladinku“. Že to zní jako sci-fi? Ano, zní! Nicméně něco takového je realitě možná o dost blíž, než si většina z nás myslí. Podle vědců by ...
Kategorie: IT News

Apple is putting everything into AI smartphones [Hacking News] - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 17:43

Apple is going for broke with AI smartphones and plans to put its best chip inside its entire range of iPhones and iPads, all to support Apple Intelligence, a tipster has claimed.

While it is important not to read too much into a single, unsourced, unverified claim, and while the real-world implementation of the plan might differ from the speculation, Apple does have everything to play for. 

The shift to AI is real and it is happening

That’s because if it does manage to stake space at the cutting-edge of the AI device replacement wave, it should accelerate its growth in market share. This is why Apple intends to put the soon-to-ship A18 chip inside all iPhones, starting with the iPhone 16 series this fall and next year’s iPhone SE. 

It needs to do so to ensure new devices all support Apple Intelligence, including new features not yet announced. (Apple Intelligence currently requires an A17 Pro chip inside an iPhone to run, or M-series processors inside Macs.)

Apple knows that the future of Apple Intelligence, as with any other product, relies on it delivering great customer experiences. That means it doesn’t want people using its service to have experiences hampered by older devices. The company has previously clarified that the computational power required to run Apple Intelligence on device requires the best-available chip.

Diverting company resources

The company also seems to understand what’s at stake. It already seems to be cancelling some of its R&D projects, (including Apple Car) and scaling back on Apple TV shows to divert dollars into AI research. That represents the importance the company, once thought to lag the industry, now places on the sector and likely echoes the scale at which it is pivoting to build support for AI inside all its products, hardware, software and operating systems.

Apple has been following the road toward AI for many years. Siri was just one facet of that trip, data detectors in iCal/Mail another, while the move to dump Intel in favor of AI-friendly Apple chips replete with their own Neural Engine all help show its embrace of AI has been intentional.

On the back foot (slightly)

What caught Apple by surprise was the speed with which OpenAI’s Chat GPT was adopted. My hunch is the company planned to continue to deploy machine intelligence/AI across its products in an intentional way over a longer time period.

But the success of generative AI (genAI) caused Apple to accelerate its own journey, which means bringing all its products up to speed, not just to cope with what Apple Intelligence will do from iOS 18 on, but what it will be able to achieve in four years’ time. To get to that point, Apple must leapfrog some of its technologies, and the M4-powered iPad Pro (set to be followed by other M4-equipped Macs later this year) can be seen as evidence of that. 

But still with cards to play

The new A18 processor inside the upcoming iPhone range will presumably provide another big leap forward in computational capacity. That’s going to be essential to support Apple’s on-device vision for at least some Apple Intelligence features.

It is also worth noting that the A18 will simply build on the big lead the company still enjoys in terms of chip performance compared to rivals. This competitive edge is one Apple must exploit. AI is a profound and world-changing technology and the hype around AI PC and smartphone sales will not turn out to be entirely meaningless.

This is an inflection point at which new competitors appear, old empires fall, and new problems and opportunities emerge. Apple has lived through such points before. Today, it is leaning into everything it has already done to build a raft on which its survival depends.

Meanwhile, we get faster iPhones.

Please follow me on Mastodon, or join me in the AppleHolic’s bar & grill and Apple Discussions groups on MeWe.

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Miro launches Intelligent Canvas [Hacking News] - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 17:33

In what it called its biggest product update since the company’s founding in 2011, Miro has launched Intelligent Canvas, an AI-driven platform designed to help teams manage their entire innovation lifecycle.

“In many cases, the tools designed to make us faster are actually slowing us down,” Jeff Chow, chief product and technology officer at Miro, said in a July 17 blog introducing the platform. “We blow all our energy figuring out how to work or where to work instead of actually doing work. Teams can’t get on the same page and decision-making is disconnected. Innovation is supposed to feel like a sprint towards a shared goal. The reality is more like death by a thousand cuts.” 

The Intelligent Canvas, he said, should improve the user experience via new AI capabilities, new workflows, interactive experiences, and scalable templates.

AI everywhere

The Intelligent Canvas, powered by Miro AI, features agents known as AI Sidekicks that Miro said provide domain experience when needed, participating on the board like any other team member. The initial set includes Product Leader, Agile Coach, and Product Marketer.

“And we’re not doing this alone,” Chow wrote. “We’re partnering with industry experts like the Product Marketing Alliance, the world’s biggest product marketing community, to harness their specialized knowledge around the craft of launching new products and building marketing campaigns for Miro customers.”

In addition, the core toolbar gives access to generative AI (genAI) features, providing AI prompts to help users create documents, user stories, and diagrams using their work on the canvas by, for example, turning a series of sticky notes with customer feedback into user stories.

A simplified new UI

Miro also announced it has simplified its user interface, adding Spaces to help organize information from multiple boards, as well as third-party documents, in a central hub accessible from any board. 

And to let users focus better when using advanced features, new modes reveal only the essential tools required for the task at hand. The first offering is Diagramming Mode, which Miro said will be available across all plans. More modes are coming soon, though the company did not set a date.


Five intelligent widgets, built with the new Canvas software development kit, are data- and context-aware, and communicate with each other to “speed up certain actions and get teams into the habit of creating on the canvas together.”

The current list includes: dot voting — colored dots that users can place on objects on the board to vote on them; polling, which lets users create polls directly in a board or template; people, which triggers context-sensitive actions when users drag and drop a user avatar on a project component; story points, used to add estimates of resources or timing for a job; and counter, which totals the number of assigned story points to help with capacity planning.

In addition, a dozen intelligent templates bring together AI features, interactivity, and integrations with other tools to allow users to create workflows for functions such as sprint planning, road mapping, product planning, team capacity planning, cloud infrastructure optimization, and more.

With more than 50 new features on the horizon, Chow said Miro is “going to be thoughtful when it comes to rolling them out.” Regular new releases and updates will arrive over the next couple of months, and “we’ll be listening hard to feedback along the way.”

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Cybercrooks spell trouble with typosquatting domains amid CrowdStrike crisis

The Register - Anti-Virus - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 17:15
Latest trend follows various malware campaigns that began just hours after IT calamity

Thousands of typosquatting domains are now registered to exploit the desperation of IT admins still struggling to recover from last week's CrowdStrike outage, researchers say.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Alza po kritice už opět umožňuje vyhledávat skutečně jen nové zboží

Živě.cz - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 16:45
Oživeno 23. 7. | Alza na web potichu vrátila možnost zobrazit si pouze nové zboží. Došlo však ke kompromisu. Ve filtrech jsou mezi stavy tři kategorie: pouze nové, nové a rozbalené, zánovní a použité. V mobilní aplikaci přitom pořád zůstávají staré filtry, kde jsou jen nové, a pak na stejné úrovni ...
Kategorie: IT News

Alphabet's reported $23B bet on Wiz fizzles out

The Register - Anti-Virus - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 16:32
Cybersecurity outfit to go its own way to IPO and $1B ARR

On the day of Alphabet's Q2 earnings call, cybersecurity firm Wiz has walked from a $23 billion takeover bid by Google's parent company.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Play Ransomware Group's New Linux Variant Targets ESXi, Shows Ties With Prolific Puma - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 15:12
The Play ransomware group, well-known for its double-extortion tactics, recently unveiled a Linux variant targeting ESXi environments. This development represents a significant evolution of ransomware strategies, and admins and businesses must understand these threats to implement effective defenses against them.
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

iRobot vyrobil nejpokročilejšího pomocníka. Roomba Combo 10 Max vysává, vytírá a po úklidu vyčistí mop

Živě.cz - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 14:45
iRobot dnes představil vrcholný model robotických pomocníků. Roomba Combo 10 Max spojuje vysavač s mopem a oproti předchůdci Roomba Combo j9+ přináší tři hlavní novinky. Zařízení podporuje standard Matter, takže by se v budoucnu měl lépe integrovat do nových systémů chytré domácnosti, a přímo ...
Kategorie: IT News

Chinese Hackers Target Taiwan and U.S. NGO with MgBot and MACMA Malware

The Hacker News - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 14:28
Organizations in Taiwan and a U.S. non-governmental organization (NGO) based in China have been targeted by a Beijing-affiliated state-sponsored hacking group called Daggerfly using an upgraded set of malware tools. The campaign is a sign that the group "also engages in internal espionage," Symantec's Threat Hunter Team, part of Broadcom, said in a new report published today. "In the attack on
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Chinese Hackers Target Taiwan and U.S. NGO with MgBot and MACMA Malware

The Hacker News - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 14:28
Organizations in Taiwan and a U.S. non-governmental organization (NGO) based in China have been targeted by a Beijing-affiliated state-sponsored hacking group called Daggerfly using an upgraded set of malware tools. The campaign is a sign that the group "also engages in internal espionage," Symantec's Threat Hunter Team, part of Broadcom, said in a new report published today. "In the attack on Newsroom[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

wpa_supplicant a hostapd 2.11

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 14:02
Nástroje wpa_supplicant (Wikipedie) a související hostapd (Wikipedie) byly vydány v nové verzi 2.11.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Google abandons plans to drop third-party cookies in Chrome [Hacking News] - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 13:33

As a major update to Chrome’s new cross-site tracking protection policy, Google announced that it is no longer considering dropping support for third-party cookies.

Third-party cookies, which refer to the cookies that are set by a website other than the one a user is currently visiting through embedded content like advertisements, social media widgets, or tracking pixels, were earlier intended to be phased out gradually by the end of 2024.

“Instead of deprecating third-party cookies, we would introduce a new experience in Chrome that lets people make an informed choice that applies across their web browsing, and they’d be able to adjust that choice at any time,” Anthony Chavez, vice president for Privacy Sandbox, said in a blog post.

The phasing-out plans were made in favor of introducing Privacy Sandbox APIs that were intended to replace traditional third-party cookies and other tracking mechanisms.

Tracking is still allowed at discretion

Google Chrome’s Privacy Sandbox is an initiative designed to enhance user privacy while continuing ad-supported web access. The Privacy Sandbox consists of a set of privacy-preserving APIs designed to reduce cross-site tracking and protect user privacy by eliminating third-party cookies.

Rather than completely pulling support for the third-party cookies, according to the update, Chrome will now allow users to choose whether they want to experience web browsing within the Privacy Sandbox setting or continue to have traditional cross-site cookies activated.

“It remains important for developers to have privacy-preserving alternatives,” Chavez added. “We’ll continue to make the Privacy Sandbox APIs available and invest in them to further improve privacy and utility.”

Users will have this option on top of another privacy elective Google rolled out in July 2023, “Enhanced Ad Privacy”. The feature was rolled out as part of Chrome version 115 and allowed for interest-based advertising without tracking individual users across websites. The feature is partially available and has had mixed responses.

Multiple backtracking on cookies drop

This isn’t the first time Google has gone back on its promise to completely phase out third party cookies. The company has previously postponed plans of cookies lockdown in June 2021, and later in July 2022.

One of the pressing reasons for the delay is time. Google, reportedly, needs more time to test out the Privacy Sandbox settings. “The most consistent feedback we’ve received is the need for more time to evaluate and test the new Privacy Sandbox technologies before deprecating third-party cookies in Chrome,” Chavez said in a July 2022 blog post.

Chavez had also said postponing aligns with Google’s commitment to the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to ensure that the Privacy Sandbox provides effective, privacy-preserving technologies and the industry has sufficient time to adopt these new solutions.

It is important to note, that while other updates outlined postponing of hammering down third-party trackers, the latest update, instead, hints that tracking may still exist as an option as the company pushes for privacy. “We expect that overall performance using Privacy Sandbox APIs will improve over time as industry adoption increases,” Chavez said. “At the same time, we recognize this transition requires significant work by many participants and will have an impact on publishers, advertisers, and everyone involved in online advertising.”

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

New ICS Malware 'FrostyGoop' Targeting Critical Infrastructure

The Hacker News - 23 Červenec, 2024 - 12:54
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered what they say is the ninth Industrial Control Systems (ICS)-focused malware that has been used in a disruptive cyber attack targeting an energy company in the Ukrainian city of Lviv earlier this January. Industrial cybersecurity firm Dragos has dubbed the malware FrostyGoop, describing it as the first malware strain to directly use Modbus TCP
Kategorie: Hacking & Security
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