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Proč si předplatit Netflix? Třeba kvůli těmto seriálům. Všechny mají dabing nebo české titulky

Živě.cz - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 13:45
Na Netflixu jsme vybrali nejlepší seriály, které mají české titulky a většinou i dabing. Vycházeli jsme z hodnocení na filmových webech a přidali i trochu svého vlastního vkusu. Naprostou většinu seriálu nikde jinde než na Netflixu nenajdete.
Kategorie: IT News

Google Smart Lock / Extend Unlock: The complete guide [Hacking News] - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 13:32

Think fast: How many times a day do you pick up your phone to look at something? Unless you live in the tundra or have far more self-control than most, the answer probably falls somewhere between “quite a few” and “more than any sane person could count.” Assuming you keep your device properly secured, that means you’re doing an awful lot of unlocking — be it with your face, your fingerprint, or the code you tap or swipe onto your screen.

And that’s to say nothing of the number of times you type your password into your laptop or enter your credentials into an app or website during the day. Security’s important, but goodness gracious, it can sure be a hassle.

Thankfully, there’s a better way. Google Smart Lock/Extend Unlock provides a variety of options for making it easier to access both your Android phone and your Chromebook in secure but simplified ways. It’s an easily overlooked but incredibly useful feature that lets you create a sensible balance between security and convenience.

What is Google Smart Lock? And what is Google Extend Unlock?

Google Smart Lock was an unlocking feature for Android devices and Chromebooks. Google has now, for no apparent reason, mostly changed its sensible Smart Lock name to the awkward and confusing “Extend Unlock.”

For clarity’s sake, we’ll use both terms in this story — partly because at this point nobody knows what Extend Unlock is, partly because Google itself can’t entirely seem to decide which name it wants to use where, and partly because Google has a long history of changing product and feature names willy nilly, so we wouldn’t be surprised if the company changes it back entirely to Smart Lock at some point.

In Android, Smart Lock/Extend Unlock allows you to keep your phone unlocked in certain preapproved, known-to-be-safe circumstances. In ChromeOS, it empowers your Android phone to keep your computer unlocked.

And best of all? Once you set it up in either environment, it couldn’t be much easier to use.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to activating Google Smart Lock/Extend Unlock and taking full advantage of everything it has to offer across both Android and ChromeOS.

Google Smart Lock/Extend Unlock for Android

On any reasonably recent Android device, you can set up Google Smart Lock/Extend Unlock to keep your phone unlocked in certain trusted situations but to require your PIN, pattern, password, or biometric authentication at all other times. It’s the best of both worlds, in other words: effective Android security without unnecessary annoyances.

To activate Google Smart Lock/Extend Unlock on Android, you’ll first need to have a PIN, pattern, or password set for your phone (which you should already have, regardless!). Then, in the standard Google Android setup — the setup you see on Pixel phones and certain other devices:

  • Open the Security & Privacy section of your phone’s settings.
  • On older Android versions, tap “Smart Lock.”
  • On more current and up-to-date devices, tap either “Advanced settings” or “More security & privacy” and then tap “Extend Unlock.”

On Android phones where the manufacturer has made modifications to the operating system, the Smart Lock/Extend Unlock section may be located in a different area of the device’s settings. On recent Samsung phones, for instance:

  • Open the Lock Screen and AOD section of your phone’s settings.
  • Tap “Extend Unlock.”

If you aren’t seeing the Extend Unlock option anywhere in your system settings, try tapping the search box or icon at the top of the main settings screen and then searching for that same term.

However you get there, once you’ve opened the Smart Lock/Extend Unlock section, you’ll be prompted to put in your PIN, pattern, or password — and you’ll then see a list of available choices:

On-body detection: Fire up this option, and your phone will remain unlocked whenever you’re holding or carrying it — so long as you’ve already unlocked it once. That way, if you unlock your phone to use it and then put it back into your bag or pocket while walking around, you won’t have to unlock it again the next time you pick it up. Anytime your phone is set down or not in motion for more than a moment, it’ll require authentication again.

Trusted places: Perhaps the most useful Google Smart Lock/Extend Unlock element, this option allows you to set specific locations — by business name, street address, or manual map placement — at which your phone will never put up a lock screen or require authentication (in theory, at least; the function can sometimes be a bit finicky and require occasional fine-tuning). You’ll obviously want to be selective about what places you choose, but configuring this to recognize somewhere like your home can be a helpful way to avoid authentication where it’s generally not needed but keep your phone secured in all other areas.

Trusted devices: If you’d rather have Google Smart Lock/Extend Unlock recognize a Bluetooth pairing, this next option’s for you. It empowers you to tell your phone to skip the lock screen anytime it’s connected to a specific Bluetooth device — say, your car’s audio system or your gym headphones — when you know the phone will always be in your control.

You can add any Bluetooth device that’s been paired to your phone as a trusted device and then let it keep your phone unlocked whenever it’s  connected.

JR Raphael / IDG

Google Smart Lock/Extend Unlock for Chromebooks

When it comes to ChromeOS, Google Smart Lock/Extend Unlock can keep you from having to type in your password every time your computer wakes from hibernation. It does this by turning your Android phone into a wireless key: Whenever your Android phone is nearby and unlocked, ChromeOS will skip the standard password entry screen and instead let you click a little arrow icon to sign in and get going.

Any reasonably recent Android phone will work for the purpose, though administrators do have the ability to disable the function in managed environments at businesses, schools, and other organizations. So if you’re in a company-oriented scenario and can’t find the option, that may be why. Your best bet is to ask your IT staff if it’s possible to enable it.

That asterisk aside, to get started with Google Smart Lock/Extend Unlock on ChromeOS, all you’ve gotta do is open up your Chromebook’s settings — by clicking the time in the lower-right corner of the taskbar area and then clicking the gear-shaped icon in the upper-right corner of the panel that pops up.

Next, click “Connected devices” in the main left-of-screen settings menu — and if you haven’t yet connected your Android phone to your Chromebook, click the “Set up” option within the “Android phone” section. Follow the steps to select and connect your device.

After a moment, you should see your phone’s name appear at the top of that same settings section. Click the right-facing arrow next to it and confirm that “Smart Lock” — which, for the moment at least, inexplicably still appears as Smart Lock and not Extend Unlock in this context (?!) — has its toggle in the on and active position.

Smart Lock, Extend Unlock, whatever you want to call it — once you connect your Android phone to your Chromebook, the option will appear.

JR Raphael / IDG

And that’s it: As long as Bluetooth is active on both devices, the next time your Chromebook is locked, you should be able to get into it quickly and effortlessly — without any of the usual patience-testing headaches.

Figure out which of these Google Smart Lock/Extend Unlock options make the most sense for you, and you’ll be able to achieve a sensible balance of security and convenience — and be well on your way to keeping your information safe while keeping your sanity intact.

This story was originally published in December 2018 and most recently updated in November 2024.

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

New Android Banking Malware 'ToxicPanda' Targets Users with Fraudulent Money Transfers

The Hacker News - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 13:16
Over 1,500 Android devices have been infected by a new strain of Android banking malware called ToxicPanda that allows threat actors to conduct fraudulent banking transactions. "ToxicPanda's main goal is to initiate money transfers from compromised devices via account takeover (ATO) using a well-known technique called on-device fraud (ODF)," Cleafy researchers Michele Roviello, Alessandro Strino
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

New Android Banking Malware 'ToxicPanda' Targets Users with Fraudulent Money Transfers

The Hacker News - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 13:16
Over 1,500 Android devices have been infected by a new strain of Android banking malware called ToxicPanda that allows threat actors to conduct fraudulent banking transactions. "ToxicPanda's main goal is to initiate money transfers from compromised devices via account takeover (ATO) using a well-known technique called on-device fraud (ODF)," Cleafy researchers Michele Roviello, Alessandro StrinoRavie Lakshmanan[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

V Číně teď tamní značky chrlí jeden top smartphone za druhým. Evropa musí čekat, jaké drobky na ni zůstanou

Živě.cz - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 13:15
** Čínské značky si na domácím trhu pospíšily s premiérami ** Evropa je až ve druhém sledu, takže můžeme jen tiše závidět ** Telefony dostaly IP69, obří baterie a nový Snapdragon 8 Elite
Kategorie: IT News

Nejlehčí 14" notebook na světě váží jen 634 gramů. Výbavu má dobrou, ale odskákala to výdrž

Živě.cz - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 12:45
Japonské Fujitsu je expert na výrobu ultralehkých notebooků. Loňský model UH-X/H1 vážil jen 689 gramů, čerstvá novinka FMV Zero WU5/J3 má jen 634 gramů. To už je skoro na úrovni tabletů, které ale zpravidla budou mít tenčí displej a nenajdeme u nich klávesnici. Zero přitom ani není rekordně malý, ...
Kategorie: IT News

Leveraging Wazuh for Zero Trust security

The Hacker News - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 12:00
Zero Trust security changes how organizations handle security by doing away with implicit trust while continuously analyzing and validating access requests. Contrary to perimeter-based security, users within an environment are not automatically trusted upon gaining access. Zero Trust security encourages continuous monitoring of every device and user, which ensures sustained protection after
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Leveraging Wazuh for Zero Trust security

The Hacker News - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 12:00
Zero Trust security changes how organizations handle security by doing away with implicit trust while continuously analyzing and validating access requests. Contrary to perimeter-based security, users within an environment are not automatically trusted upon gaining access. Zero Trust security encourages continuous monitoring of every device and user, which ensures sustained protection after The Hacker News[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

LXQt 2.1.0

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 11:58
Desktopové prostředí LXQt (Lightweight Qt Desktop Environment, Wikipedie) vzniklé sloučením projektů Razor-qt a LXDE bylo vydáno ve verzi 2.1.0. Přehled novinek v poznámkách k vydání.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

V USA poprvé zaznamenali ptačí chřipku u prasete. Nemusí to znamenat nic, ale může to být krůček k nové pandemii

Živě.cz - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 11:45
Ptačí chřipka, známá jako H5N1, patří mezi nejnebezpečnější viry, které v posledních letech způsobují ve světě zvířat velké problémy. Virus původně napadal ptáky a od roku 2020 se rozšířil na řadu dalších druhů, včetně divokých a hospodářských zvířat, jako jsou například krávy či polární medvědi. ...
Kategorie: IT News

Pít, jen když máte žízeň, ke správné hydrataci zdaleka nestačí. Vědkyně varují před riziky dehydratace

Živě.cz - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 11:45
Nezbytnou součástí našeho těla je voda, která představuje přibližně 55 až 65 % hmotnosti dospělého člověka. Pomáhá regulovat tělesnou teplotu, lubrikovat klouby, podporovat trávení a odstraňovat toxiny. Dostatečný příjem tekutin má pozitivní vliv na kognitivní schopnosti a psychickou pohodu. Tělo ...
Kategorie: IT News

Ve Windows 10 nešlo spustit aplikace jako Teams nebo Rychlý pomocník

Živě.cz - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 10:45
**Microsoft na konci října potvrdil další problém s Windows 10 **Od zářijové volitelné aktualizace selhávaly některé programy **Měly totiž nastavený nesprávný stupeň integrity
Kategorie: IT News

Synology Urges Patch for Critical Zero-Click RCE Flaw Affecting Millions of NAS Devices

The Hacker News - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 10:34
Taiwanese network-attached storage (NAS) appliance maker Synology has addressed a critical security flaw impacting DiskStation and BeePhotos that could lead to remote code execution. Tracked as CVE-2024-10443 and dubbed RISK:STATION by Midnight Blue, the zero-day flaw was demonstrated at the Pwn2Own Ireland 2024 hacking contest by security researcher Rick de Jager. RISK:STATION is an "
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Synology Urges Patch for Critical Zero-Click RCE Flaw Affecting Millions of NAS Devices

The Hacker News - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 10:34
Taiwanese network-attached storage (NAS) appliance maker Synology has addressed a critical security flaw impacting DiskStation and BeePhotos that could lead to remote code execution. Tracked as CVE-2024-10443 and dubbed RISK:STATION by Midnight Blue, the zero-day flaw was demonstrated at the Pwn2Own Ireland 2024 hacking contest by security researcher Rick de Jager. RISK:STATION is an "Ravie Lakshmanan[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

LocalSend 1.16

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 10:33
Aplikace LocalSend, tj. multiplatformní open source alternativa k AirDropu, tj. bezpečné sdílení souborů a zpráv s okolními zařízeními přes lokální síť, bez potřeby připojení k internetu, byla vydána ve verzi 1.16, aktuálně 1.16.1. Instalovat lze také z Flathubu a Snapcraftu.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

E-mail na mobilu pro pokročilé. Toto je výběr nejšikovnějších poštovních aplikací

Živě.cz - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 10:15
** Nevyhovuje vám předinstalovaný e-mailový klient? ** Existují řešení třetích stran pro všechny mobilní platformy ** Každá aplikace jde na věc trochu jinak, rozhodují maličkosti
Kategorie: IT News

CEO Intelu znovu vyzývá k urychlené výplatě dotací z CHIPS Act

CD-R server - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 10:00
Pat Gelsinger vyjádřil frustraci nad zdržováním výplaty dotací z CHIPS Act. Upozorňuje, že do továren nainvestoval desítky miliard, ale ze schválené dotace nedorazil ani dolar…
Kategorie: IT News

Poznámky v mobilu prozradí víc, než bychom chtěli. Při ztrátě telefonu mohou být stejně důležité jako fotky

Živě.cz - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 09:15
** Pokud přijdete o telefon, většinou je největší starost okolo fotek ** Poznámky však mohou být mnohdy ještě důležitější ** Ukrývají spoustu pokladů, nezapomínejte je zálohovat
Kategorie: IT News

Edge je dobrý tak akorát na stažení Chromu. Microsoft se proti tomu začal bránit

Živě.cz - 5 Listopad, 2024 - 08:45
Nainstalujete Windows, otevřete Edge a vyhledáte svůj oblíbený prohlížeč… S velkou pravděpodobností na vás vyskočí velká reklama, že nic dalšího stahovat nemusíte, protože Edge je dostatečně rychlý, bezpečný a moderní. S touto kampaní se teď setkáte ve vyhledávači Bing, který je integrovaný ve ...
Kategorie: IT News
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