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Jaderné noviny – přehled za prosinec 2024

AbcLinuxu [články] - 16 Leden, 2025 - 08:00

Přehled prosincových vydání Jaderných novin: stav vydání jádra, citáty týdne a seznam článků týkajících se jádra.

Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Python-Based Malware Powers RansomHub Ransomware to Exploit Network Flaws

The Hacker News - 16 Leden, 2025 - 07:45
Cybersecurity researchers have detailed an attack that involved a threat actor utilizing a Python-based backdoor to maintain persistent access to compromised endpoints and then leveraged this access to deploy the RansomHub ransomware throughout the target network. According to GuidePoint Security, initial access is said to have been facilitated by means of a JavaScript malware downloaded named
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Python-Based Malware Powers RansomHub Ransomware to Exploit Network Flaws

The Hacker News - 16 Leden, 2025 - 07:45
Cybersecurity researchers have detailed an attack that involved a threat actor utilizing a Python-based backdoor to maintain persistent access to compromised endpoints and then leveraged this access to deploy the RansomHub ransomware throughout the target network. According to GuidePoint Security, initial access is said to have been facilitated by means of a JavaScript malware downloaded named Ravie Lakshmanan[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Intel odštěpí RealSense, divizi snímačů

CD-R server - 16 Leden, 2025 - 07:40
Divize RealSense funguje u Intelu od roku 2013. Navrhuje a vyrábí různé speciální kamery a snímače, které krom obrazu zachycují i hloubku. Nyní bude vyčleněna ze stávající struktury Intelu…
Kategorie: IT News

Researcher Uncovers Critical Flaws in Multiple Versions of Ivanti Endpoint Manager

The Hacker News - 16 Leden, 2025 - 07:39
Ivanti has rolled out security updates to address several security flaws impacting Avalanche, Application Control Engine, and Endpoint Manager (EPM), including four critical bugs that could lead to information disclosure. All the four critical security flaws, rated 9.8 out of 10.0 on the CVSS scale, are rooted in EPM, and concern instances of absolute path traversal that allow a remote
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Researcher Uncovers Critical Flaws in Multiple Versions of Ivanti Endpoint Manager

The Hacker News - 16 Leden, 2025 - 07:39
Ivanti has rolled out security updates to address several security flaws impacting Avalanche, Application Control Engine, and Endpoint Manager (EPM), including four critical bugs that could lead to information disclosure. All the four critical security flaws, rated 9.8 out of 10.0 on the CVSS scale, are rooted in EPM, and concern instances of absolute path traversal that allow a remote Ravie Lakshmanan[email protected]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Kazakhstan’s AI-Powered Prisons: Setting a New Standard for Safety and Efficiency [Hacking News] - 16 Leden, 2025 - 05:26

Technology innovations have made the digital transformation of public services essential to enhancing safety, efficiency, and accountability. Kazakhstan has taken a monumental step forward in this regard by implementing a continuous video surveillance system across 78 correctional facilities nationwide. This groundbreaking initiative has set a new benchmark for prison management, significantly improving safety conditions and operational transparency.

A digital leap for safer prisons

In response to a national mandate from the President in 2020, the Ministry of Internal Affairs launched a comprehensive video surveillance project. The system includes over 39,500 high-definition cameras strategically installed across correctional institutions and their perimeters. These cameras are connected to advanced AI-driven analytics, providing real-time facial recognition, event detection, and license plate identification capabilities.

The results are nothing short of remarkable: since its implementation, the system has identified over 32,000 violations of detention protocols, prevented 62 suicides and six escape attempts, and de-escalated 27 potentially violent conflicts. It has also reduced corruption and abuse, fostering humane treatment of inmates and improving the behavior of staff. For the first half of 2024, no cases of torture by staff were reported, a testament to the system’s effectiveness.

Innovation meets human-centered design

Kazakhstan’s video surveillance initiative goes beyond mere technological deployment. It represents a harmonious blend of innovation, process improvement, and personnel training. Prison staff have been equipped with the tools and knowledge to harness the system’s full potential, enabling proactive incident management and fostering a culture of accountability.

The initiative also supports the broader goal of rehabilitation. By improving the physical, psychological, and social conditions within prisons, the system aligns with global trends emphasizing inmate welfare and reintegration into society.

Overcoming challenges with strategic vision

Before the project, sporadic and poorly maintained surveillance systems plagued correctional facilities, resulting in inconsistent monitoring and inadequate evidence for investigations. Kazakhstan addressed these challenges by deploying a centralized, secure infrastructure that ensures uninterrupted video transmission to a Situation Center under the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This hub manages real-time monitoring and analytics while safeguarding data integrity and privacy. The adoption of a fiber-optic private network further enhances reliability and security, creating a scalable framework for future innovations.

Charting the road ahead

Kazakhstan’s video surveillance initiative is just the beginning. Plans are underway to integrate more advanced algorithms for object and event recognition and to connect the system with other IT infrastructures, such as access control solutions. These advancements will further strengthen the nation’s ability to maintain order, prevent misconduct, and foster trust in correctional institutions.

The nation’s achievement offers valuable lessons for countries aiming to modernize their correctional facilities. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, combining it with strategic governance, and emphasizing human-centered implementation, Kazakhstan has set a precedent for others to follow.

For a deeper dive into the strategies, implementation, and impact of this project, download the full report. Explore how Kazakhstan is redefining correctional facility management through innovation and strategic foresight.

Discover the full story behind Kazakhstan’s transformative initiative. Learn more about the strategies, technologies, and future opportunities in this in-depth white paper: Global Trends in the Digital Transformation of Correctional Facilities: The Value of Video Surveillance.

Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Hackers leak configs and VPN credentials for 15,000 FortiGate devices

Bleeping Computer - 16 Leden, 2025 - 03:57
A new hacking group has leaked the configuration files, IP addresses, and VPN credentials for over 15,000 FortiGate devices for free on the dark web, exposing a great deal of sensitive technical information to other cybercriminals. [...]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Google Chrome 132

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 16 Leden, 2025 - 00:59
Google Chrome 132 byl prohlášen za stabilní. Nejnovější stabilní verze 132.0.6834.83 přináší řadu novinek z hlediska uživatelů i vývojářů. Podrobný přehled v poznámkách k vydání. Opraveno bylo 16 bezpečnostních chyb. Vylepšeny byly také nástroje pro vývojáře (YouTube).
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

GoDaddy slapped with wet lettuce for years of lax security and 'several major breaches'

The Register - Anti-Virus - 16 Leden, 2025 - 00:47
Watchdog alleged it had no SIEM or MFA, orders rapid adoption of basic infosec tools

GoDaddy has failed to protect its web-hosting platform with even basic infosec tools and practices since 2018, according to the FTC, but the internet giant won’t face any immediate consequences for its many alleged acts of omission.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Počet lidí na sociálních dávkách stále roste. Kolik od státu dostanete v roce 2025? - články - 16 Leden, 2025 - 00:00
Kolik lidí nezvládá pokrýt náklady na bydlení a na jaké sociální dávce vyplatí stát nejvíc? Prošli jsme statistiky Ministerstva práce a sociálních věcí.
Kategorie: IT News

Technologie WebAssembly a GopherJS: předávání argumentů mezi Go a JavaScriptem - 16 Leden, 2025 - 00:00
Popíšeme si předávání hodnot mezi javascriptovým kódem na jedné straně a funkcemi a metodami naprogramovanými v jazyce Go na straně druhé. Kvůli odlišnému typovému systému obou jazyků se jedná o netriviální problém.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Výkon oficiálně: GeForce RTX 5070 (Ti) +21 %, RTX 5080 +15 %, RTX 5090 +32 %

CD-R server - 16 Leden, 2025 - 00:00
Po cenách GeForce RTX 5000 se dozvídáme i mezigenerační výkonnostní posuny. S výjimkou GeForce RTX 5090 budou podle materiálů Nvidie dosahovat 15-21 %…
Kategorie: IT News

Francouzi staví turbovrtulový motor na kapalný vodík pro lehké letouny - 16 Leden, 2025 - 00:00
Francouzské společnosti Turbotech, Safran a Air Liquide spojily síly kvůli turbovrtulovému motoru na kapalný vodík. Motor, který je navržený pro lehké letouny, potřebuje důmyslný kryogenní systém, protože vodík je kapalný při teplotách pod mínus 253 °C. Pozemní testy byly úspěšné, časem by měl motor vzlétnout.
Kategorie: Věda a technika

DJI loosens flight restrictions, decides to trust operators to follow FAA rules

The Register - Anti-Virus - 15 Leden, 2025 - 23:30
Right after one of its drones crashed into an aircraft fighting California wildfires? Great timing

Drone maker DJI has decided to scale back its geofencing restrictions, meaning its software won't automatically stop operators from flying into areas flagged as no-fly zones. …

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

SAP fixes critical vulnerabilities in NetWeaver application servers

Bleeping Computer - 15 Leden, 2025 - 23:02
SAP has fixed two critical vulnerabilities affecting NetWeaver web application server that could be exploited to escalate privileges and access restricted information. [...]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

CISA shares guidance for Microsoft expanded logging capabilities

Bleeping Computer - 15 Leden, 2025 - 21:39
​CISA shared guidance for government agencies and enterprises on using expanded cloud logs in their Microsoft 365 tenants as part of their forensic and compliance investigations. [...]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

China's Salt Typhoon spies spotted on US govt networks before telcos, CISA boss says

The Register - Anti-Virus - 15 Leden, 2025 - 21:30
We are only seeing 'the tip of the iceberg,' Easterly warns

Beijing's Salt Typhoon cyberspies had been seen in US government networks before telcos discovered the same foreign intruders in their own systems, according to CISA boss Jen Easterly.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

MikroTik botnet uses misconfigured SPF DNS records to spread malware

Bleeping Computer - 15 Leden, 2025 - 21:04
A newly discovered botnet of 13,000 MikroTik devices uses a misconfiguration in domain name server records to bypass email protections and deliver malware by spoofing roughly 20,000 web domains. [...]
Kategorie: Hacking & Security
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