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Proces N3P bude pro zákazníky TSMC nejzajímavější, výroba začne ve 2. pololetí

CD-R server - 17 Květen, 2024 - 07:40
N3P je v pořadí třetí (nebo čtvrtá, jak se to vezme) varianta 3nm procesu TSMC. Pro většinu zákazníků se právě tato verze stane důvodem k přechodu na 3nm generaci procesů. Má to poměrně zásadní důvod…
Kategorie: IT News

Hry zadarmo, nebo se slevou: Výroční výprodej Minecraftu a Dragon Age: Inquisition zdarma

Živě.cz - 17 Květen, 2024 - 07:10
Na všech herních platformách je každou chvíli nějaká slevová akce. Každý týden proto vybíráme ty nejatraktivnější, které by vám neměly uniknout. Pokud chcete získat hry zdarma nebo s výhodnou slevou, podívejte se na aktuální přehled akcí!
Kategorie: IT News

24. září 2024 budou zveřejněny zdrojové kódy přehrávače Winamp

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 17 Květen, 2024 - 01:57
24. září 2024 budou zveřejněny zdrojové kódy přehrávače Winamp.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Crims abusing Microsoft Quick Assist to deploy Black Basta ransomware

The Register - Anti-Virus - 17 Květen, 2024 - 01:30
Spoiler alert: it's not really IT support controlling your device

A cybercrime gang has been abusing Microsoft's Quick Assist application in social engineering attacks that ultimately allow the crew to infect victims with Black Basta ransomware.…

Kategorie: Viry a Červi

Týden na Působivá simulace pádu do černé díry

AbcLinuxu [články] - 17 Květen, 2024 - 00:01

Další teorie se chce obejít bez temné hmoty i energie. Grafenový inkoust pro levný a dostupný tisk senzorů. Navrhli novou metodu detekce prvních hvězd. Změřili gravitaci blízko kvantovému světu. HPE postavila nejvýkonnější superpočítač v Polsku.

Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Ve Sberbank leží nevyzvednuté dvě miliardy. Na jejich výplatu zbývá poslední měsíc - články - 17 Květen, 2024 - 00:00
Insolvenční soud už naposledy prodloužil termín pro výplatu zbývajících peněz, které patří věřitelům zkrachovalé Sberbank. Případ této banky ukázal, jak funguje „záchranný systém“ státu v případě, kdy banka z libovolných důvodů padne.
Kategorie: IT News

Novinky pro Linux 6.10: lepší FireWire či next-gen GPU Intel - 17 Květen, 2024 - 00:00
GPU novinky ARM Panthor, AMD s RDNA3+, Intel a Xe2/Lunar Lake, ovladač NTSYNC pro rychlejší Wine/Proton až v Linuxu 6.11, rozvíjející se podpora SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Velká Británie vyvíjí radiofrekvenční energetickou zbraň - 17 Květen, 2024 - 00:00
Sestřelovat laciné drony za pár tisíc dolarů sofistikovanými protivzdušnými střelami, jejichž cena se pohybuje v milionech dolarů, je ekonomicky i vojensky sebevražedné a dlouhodobě neudržitelné. Jedním z řešení jsou energetické zbraně jako vyvíjený britský systém Radio Frequency Directed Energy Weapon (RFDEW), který (poněkud netradičně) operuje v oblasti rádiových vln.
Kategorie: Věda a technika

Nejúčinnější systém na výrobu vodíku Hysata cílí na průmyslovou produkci - 17 Květen, 2024 - 00:00
Australská společnost Hysata vyvinula extrémně účinný kapilární systém pro elektrolýzu vodíku, který je mnohem účinnější než jiné srovnatelné technologie. Technologie je založená na eliminaci bublin, které jinak sabotují elektrolýzu vodíku navyšováním elektrického odporu. Hysata teď směřuje k výrobě vodíku ve velkém.
Kategorie: Věda a technika

Intel N250 - nový procesor na starých Atomech

CD-R server - 17 Květen, 2024 - 00:00
Chystá se nový procesor Intel N250, který by měl být nástupcem Alder Lake-N, tedy „Alder Lake bez velkých jader“. Jde tudíž řešení postavené čistě na Atomech…
Kategorie: IT News

Google Chrome 125

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 16 Květen, 2024 - 23:33
Google Chrome 125 byl prohlášen za stabilní. Nejnovější stabilní verze 125.0.6422.60 přináší řadu oprav a vylepšení (YouTube). Podrobný přehled v poznámkách k vydání. Opraveno bylo 9 bezpečnostních chyb. Vylepšeny byly také nástroje pro vývojáře.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Thunderbird DoS, Info Disclosure Vulns Fixed in Ubuntu and Debian - 16 Květen, 2024 - 21:51
Recent security updates for Ubuntu and Debian have been released to address vulnerabilities in Thunderbird, the popular open-source mail and newsgroup client. The identified vulnerabilities could result in denial of service attacks, unauthorized access to sensitive information, and the execution of arbitrary code. As Linux admins, infosec professionals, and security enthusiasts, it is crucial to understand the implications of these vulnerabilities and take necessary action to protect systems and data.
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Neovim 0.10

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 16 Květen, 2024 - 21:12
Textový editor Neovim byl vydán ve verzi 0.10 (𝕏). Přehled novinek v příspěvku na blogu a v poznámkách k vydání.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Tails 6.3

AbcLinuxu [zprávičky] - 16 Květen, 2024 - 20:56
Byla vydána nová verze 6.3 živé linuxové distribuce Tails (The Amnesic Incognito Live System), jež klade důraz na ochranu soukromí uživatelů a anonymitu. Přehled změn v příslušném seznamu. Tor Browser byl povýšen na verzi 13.0.15.
Kategorie: GNU/Linux & BSD

Jak zrychlit Android. 9 tipů a triků, jak telefonu snadno a zdarma prodloužit život

Živě.cz - 16 Květen, 2024 - 19:52
Zpomalený Android nemusí vždy znamenat nákup nového telefonu • Přímo v systému najdete řešení na spoustu problémů • Přinášíme devět tipů a triků, jak Androidům prodloužit život
Kategorie: IT News

Stávající léky řeší pouze příznaky astmatu. Vědci jsou na cestě k léčbě, která může řešit příčiny

Živě.cz - 16 Květen, 2024 - 19:45
Je zajímavé sledovat, jak v lidském organismu všechno souvisí se vším. Například hlavní složkou hemoglobinu (bílkovina v červených krvinkách, která přenáší kyslík z plic do všech částí těla) je železo. To se podílí také na produkci energie pro některé imunitní buňky. Odborný asistent pro výzkum v ...
Kategorie: IT News

The mobile, distributed, future of work [Hacking News] - 16 Květen, 2024 - 19:12

“Over recent years, the way employees work has undergone significant change, influenced by the adoption of new mobile technologies and the increase of hybrid working practices,” Adam Holtby, principal analyst with Omdia, said in a recent report that looked at the growing market for Apple device management in the enterprise.

What’s interesting about the report is that it draws new connections between the various elements that make up enterprise tech. It recognizes the need to bring security, device management, cloud services, and digital experience design together to create robust digital workspaces.

They are not different things, but part of one thing.

Joined up thinking for the future of work

That’s smart, because it is inevitable that in many cases workspaces will become decentralized, data-driven, augmented, multi-platform and highly distributed. For best results, these spaces will be focused on digital community as well as productivity, and workspace management will reflect lots of things.

Unsurprisingly, the report cites the biggest Apple-focused integrator, Jamf as the leader for organizations hoping to empower their workforce with Apple technology. I wanted to learn more about the changing workspace, so I spoke with Michael Covington, vice president for product strategy at Jamf.

“It’s not about security or endpoint management,” Covington explained. “It’s about what real life situations you’re trying to enable.”

In his view, enterprises should see workspace management as an enabling solution. “If you can deliver better outcomes to employees, hopefully those outcomes are about productivity, better customer service, improved collaboration,” he said. 

The importance of employee experience

There are challenges. Accepting the new workspace requires cultural change, investment, and research to get things right. Covid also taught many employers that classic hierarchical approaches to change management cannot work without good communication across cadres — and it’s essential that whatever technology is thrown at a problem is actually used by employees, rather than ignored.

“By utilizing digital workspace management platforms, especially ones that are built for modern technology, businesses can effectively address these challenges and support their employees in this new era of work,” Omdia said in its report.

Fundamentally, in the new workspace the employee experience is a digital employee experience (DEX), and it’s super-important. 

Consider this: When your employees can work anywhere, anytime, and from any place, then the DEX that your company delivers to them becomes the most tangible experience they have of working with you. Give them DEX they like, and they’ll achieve more and stick with you; give them solutions they hate, and they achieve less and leave.

The trend toward mobile business has all been good for Apple, of course. Enterprise deployments of its solutions are accelerating worldwide, reflecting employee choice and growing understanding that over the usable life of these devices, businesses can save hundreds of dollars in repair and tech support costs compared to other systems.

When it comes to TCO, Apple leads the industry.

The AI tidal wave is coming, are you ready?

There is risk. To maintain momentum, Apple will need to make good on growing expectations about what it can achieve with generative AI (genAI) at WWDC. Apple is expected to deliver at least some valuable features on the device itself as its primary USP.

Business users also need to navigate this new aspect of accelerating digital transformation. We know it happens already. Microsoft and LinkedIn recently claimed there’s tension between AI adoption and job security. While 75% of workers use AI tools, over half hesitate to admit it, and business leaders are now seeking employees equipped with these skills.

Covington confessed to being both curious and cautious when it comes to genAI. Jamf is already deploying the technology in some areas of its business — particularly to support admins. But he urged a slow and deliberate deployment pace. 

“I think we must be very mindful about these technologies and what they can achieve,” he said. That means working with genAI in carefully chosen areas to help build internal experience and identify potential pitfalls.

“I think these things are amazing technologies, but I think we need to embrace them quickly, but slowly,” he said.

Solving the brain drain

That may be true. But are there enough people with sufficient skill to help every business optimize itself for the new workspace?  After all, many of the hugely transformative digital forces impacting business (from BYOD to remote work to genAI) have happened too swiftly for a large cohort of experienced change management leaders to emerge. That makes for a brain drain in experience.

“I think it’s absolutely fair to say [that],” said Covington, who pointed out that the accelerating consolidation of the different tech elements of successful digital transformation makes the lack of available skills more complex to navigate. 

“Think about, again, not just device management, but application lifecycle management, security, patch management, connectivity, all those things kind of coming together to, I think, be orchestrated in a way that the outcomes are optimized. You need tools that bring these things together in an easier way so that you don’t have to bring a subject matter expert from each of those different kind of domain areas together just to turn the thing on. And then you also need tools that help an individual or a small team cope with the day-to-day management of oversight of a deployment.

“It’s not just about getting things deployed and people enabled as though it’s a one-time thing,” he said. “This is a never-ending thing that we need to focus on.”

That’s the crux of things. As every business becomes a data business and as DEX becomes as significant a consideration as any other element of the enterprise technology stack, business users are turning to Managed Service Providers to help them bolt all the elements into place.

Mobile is still growing

But even then there’s a big blind spot: mobile. When genAI runs on mobile devices, will PCs even matter any more? Can an AI-augmented iPad really replace the computer? We know Apple thinks in a growing number of cases it can.

It’s strange that even since the iPhone and the BYOD boom, and even since the pandemic during which so many businesses came to rely on mobile, when it comes to treating mobile devices as peer players in the business stack some enterprises fail to manage them correctly.

“We are absolutely seeing broad embrace of iPads and Apple mobile technologies across the board,” said Covington. Retail, healthcare, and field services clients are all using the devices. 

“I’ve seen so many amazing use cases for mobile technologies in the field from people that might be contracted to go and repair a certain appliance that they have no expertise in,” he adds. “They’re using that mobile device to not just get schematics, but to actually communicate with people that might have more expertise on the repair that’s needed and that they can actually get in and be very efficient with their time in the field to make repairs.”

Despite this use, lots of businesses haven’t quite connected the dots to recognize that all devices in their fleet need to be properly protected. Some still see Macs and PCs as the primary tools knowledge workers use, and neglect that mobile devices are also now part of the mix. They might understand the need to secure the computers, but not yet see the need to protect the companion devices.

“No one’s put the spotlight on that, but I think the mobile workers, hybrid workers, the frontline workers that use mobile exclusively as their compute device, these are the ones needing the most assistance to achieve better productivity outcomes than they’ve been given in the past,” he said. 

Please follow me on Mastodon, or join me in the AppleHolic’s bar & grill and Apple Discussions groups on MeWe.

Apple, Generative AI, iMac, iOS, Remote Work
Kategorie: Hacking & Security

Scientists Step Toward Quantum Internet With Experiment Under the Streets of Boston

Singularity HUB - 16 Květen, 2024 - 19:00

A quantum internet would essentially be unhackable. In the future, sensitive information—financial or national security data, for instance, as opposed to memes and cat pictures—would travel through such a network in parallel to a more traditional internet.

Of course, building and scaling systems for quantum communications is no easy task. Scientists have been steadily chipping away at the problem for years. A Harvard team recently took another noteworthy step in the right direction. In a paper published this week in Nature, the team says they’ve sent entangled photons between two quantum memory nodes 22 miles (35 kilometers) apart on existing fiber optic infrastructure under the busy streets of Boston.

“Showing that quantum network nodes can be entangled in the real-world environment of a very busy urban area is an important step toward practical networking between quantum computers,” Mikhail Lukin, who led the project and is a physics professor at Harvard, said in a press release.

The team leased optical fiber under the Boston streets, connecting the two memory nodes located at Harvard by way of a 22-mile (35-kilometer) loop of cable. Image Credit: Can Knaut via OpenStreetMap

One way a quantum network can transmit information is by using entanglement, a quantum property where two particles, likely photons in this case, are linked so a change in the state of one tells us about the state of the other. If the sender and receiver of information each have one of a pair of entangled photons, they can securely transmit data using them. This means quantum communications will rely on generating enormous numbers of entangled photons and reliably sending them to far-off destinations.

Scientists have sent entangled particles long distances over fiber optic cables before, but to make a quantum internet work, particles will need to travel hundreds or thousands of miles. Because cables tend to absorb photons over such distances, the information will be lost—unless it can be periodically refreshed.

Enter quantum repeaters.

You can think of a repeater as a kind of internet gas station. Information passing through long stretches of fiber optic cables naturally degrades. A repeater refreshes that information at regular intervals, strengthening the signal and maintaining its fidelity. A quantum repeater is the same thing, only it also preserves entanglement.

That scientists have yet to build a quantum repeater is one reason we’re still a ways off from a working quantum internet at scale. Which is where the Harvard study comes in.

The team of researchers from Harvard and Amazon Web Services (AWS) have been working on quantum memory nodes. Each node houses a piece of diamond with an atom-sized hole, or silicon-vacancy center, containing two qubits: one for storage, one for communication. The nodes are basically small quantum computers, operating at near absolute zero, that can receive, record, and transmit quantum information. The Boston experiment, according to the team, is the longest distance anyone has sent information between such devices and a big step towards a quantum repeater.

“Our experiment really put us in a position where we’re really close to working on a quantum repeater demonstration,” Can Knaut, a Harvard graduate student in Lukin’s lab, told New Scientist.

Next steps include expanding the system to include multiple nodes.

Along those lines, a separate group in China, using a different technique for quantum memory involving clouds of rubidium atoms, recently said they’d linked three nodes 6 miles (10 kilometers) apart. The same group, led by Xiao-Hui Bao at the University of Science and Technology of China, had previously entangled memory nodes 13.6 miles (22 kilometers) apart.

It’ll take a lot more work to make the technology practical. Researchers need to increase the rate at which their machines entangle photons, for example. But as each new piece falls into place, the prospect of unhackable communications gets a bit closer.

Image Credit: Visax / Unsplash

Kategorie: Transhumanismus

10 faktů o humanoidních robotech Tesla Optimus. Není čas ztrácet čas, humanoidi už se zacvičují v Gigafactory

Živě.cz - 16 Květen, 2024 - 18:45
Humanoidní roboti Tesla Optimus jsou tak trochu záhadným projektem, jehož vývoj probíhá spíše v ústraní. Tesla sice přitahuje k výrobě robotů a umělé inteligence odborníky světové úrovně, ale o těchto oblastech se mluví mnohem méně než o jejích automobilech, protože nejsou hlavním segmentem, na ...
Kategorie: IT News

New Wi-Fi Vulnerability Enables Network Eavesdropping via Downgrade Attacks

The Hacker News - 16 Květen, 2024 - 18:02
Researchers have discovered a new security vulnerability stemming from a design flaw in the IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi standard that tricks victims into connecting to a less secure wireless network and eavesdrop on their network traffic. The SSID Confusion attack, tracked as CVE-2023-52424, impacts all operating systems and Wi-Fi clients, including home and mesh networks that are based on
Kategorie: Hacking & Security
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